3 min · Special Needs
July 26, 2023

Why Should You Wear #BlueForAutism?

Many organizations and individuals around the world have been celebrating World Autism Awareness Month for almost a decade now. After the United Nations declared April 2nd as a World Autism Awareness Day, the community stepped up and Light It Up Blue was born. Since that day, blue campaigns became the symbols of starting a global conversation on how to understand and help people with autism. Here are 10 reasons why you should wear #BlueForAutism for World Autism Awareness Month:

1. To spread the word

After all, the goal here is to get people start talking about, thinking about autism. Educating each other would help everyone taking part in it.

2. For a better future

Autism is a lifelong disorder. It will not go away, but it is what makes that person, that person. Today’s children with autism will become tomorrow’s adults, with autism. By raising more awareness, we have a better chance of helping them have a more comfortable and integrated life in society.

3. To show solidarity

Most people dealing with autism become overwhelmed and feel alone in this journey. With these types of awareness celebrations, loved ones will also feel part of a community and not feel alone at all.

4. Buildings can go #BlueForAutism, too

National and international landmarks bring out their blue lights for autism awareness. In fact, it started in 2008 with the Empire Building lighting up blue. This year was the tenth consecutive year that its lights turned blue. International landmarks like the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul.

! Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul turned blue for Autism Awareness Day

5. There are lots to do

Every year, there are a lot of events and parades that you can join, both online and offline. You can search for local autism organizations to see if they are organizing anything. If not, why not start one yourself! At the end of the day, the purpose is to be together while spreading the word on blue.

6. There is something soothing about blue

Besides all scientific reasons why blue is calming, most people feel that it somehow reduces stress. It catches the eye, starts a conversation and keeps one going. It looks good nevertheless.

7. To meet new people

It’s always great to meet someone that understands you. These occasions are in fact perfect opportunities to find someone else who is on the same page with you. Get your blue shirt selfie on your social media and then see who you will meet next.

8. Support the cause

Everything goes a long way when supported. With the awareness it gets, autism can also benefit from the research opportunities.

9. To make your voice heard

Civil efforts can become legitimate. Therefore, by raising awareness, public officials can get in on the cause and lead the community to a better future with the power they have.

10. The community gets bigger and bigger

Over 70 million individuals have autism worldwide and the number only goes up. With more awareness comes more educated society. Thus, the environment for individuals with autism become much more suitable for them to be themselves without compromise.

! What to do? -Check out Blue For Autism -Wear blue -Take a selfie -Share it on social media with the hashtag #BlueForAutism -Tell everyone what is up!

We hope that your efforts will conclude in a better world for those with autism! _ “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead _ Sources: Kerry Magro Bosphorus Bridge


This article is examined by Clinical Child Psychologist and Ph. D. Researcher Kevser Çakmak, and produced by Otsimo Editorial Team.

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