ADHD in the Classroom: School Strategies for Kids
June 15, 2023

ADHD in the Classroom: School Strategies for Kids

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, known as ADHD, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. ADHD affects millions of individuals from all ages and backgrounds across the globe. This disorder can make it hard for a child to do well in school and with friends due to the unique challenges it brings, so it’s important for teachers and parents to know how to deal with ADHD in the classroom. In this article, we will discuss ADHD and the challenges it presents in the classroom, provide effective school strategies for kids with ADHD, and offer tips and resources for parents and teachers.

ADHD and the Classroom: How to Help Kids with ADHD

In order to support children with ADHD in the classroom, teachers and caregivers should first understand the unique challenges these individuals face and implement effective accommodations and strategies tailored to their needs. By creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment, teachers can help students with ADHD develop essential academic and social skills. In this section, we will explore the challenges of ADHD in the classroom and the accommodations necessary to support these students effectively.

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The Challenges of ADHD in the Classroom

Students with ADHD often face unique challenges in the classroom due to common characteristics such as difficulty maintaining focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These behaviors can disrupt the learning process for the ADHD student and their peers, creating a challenging environment for teachers to manage. Additionally, students with ADHD may struggle with organizational skills and executive functioning, further impacting their academic performance.

The Accommodations of ADHD in the Classroom

To help kids with ADHD succeed in the classroom, it is essential to provide appropriate accommodations. These may include preferential seating to minimize distractions, extra time for assignments and tests, the use of visual aids to support learning, and organizational tools such as planners and checklists. By implementing these ADHD classroom strategies, teachers can create an inclusive environment that supports the needs of all students, including those with ADHD.

ADHD Strategies: 6 Effective School Strategies for Kids with ADHD

Implementing effective strategies in the classroom can significantly improve the academic and social success of students with ADHD. These strategies aim to create a structured, consistent, and supportive environment where children with ADHD can thrive. In this section, we discuss several practical strategies that teachers can implement to help their students with ADHD succeed in the classroom.

1. Establish a Routine

Routines provide structure and predictability for students with ADHD. By having a consistent daily schedule, kids can better understand what to expect and feel more in control of their environment. Teachers should establish clear routines for transitioning between activities, completing assignments, and managing classroom behavior. Visual schedules can be beneficial for students with ADHD, as they can easily see what tasks or activities come next.

2. Keep Things Consistent

Consistency is crucial for students with ADHD. Ensure that rules, expectations, and consequences are applied uniformly across all students. Teachers should also work collaboratively with parents to maintain consistent strategies at home and school, reinforcing positive behaviors and minimizing confusion for the ADHD student. This collaboration helps build a strong support network around the child, promoting their academic and social success.

adhd and school

3. Help Them Stay Organized

Organization can be challenging for children with ADHD. Teachers can support their students by implementing ADHD classroom tools such as color-coded folders, visual schedules, and checklists. These tools can help students stay on track with assignments and better manage their time. Additionally, teachers can provide guidance on organizing materials and workspaces, making it easier for students with ADHD to focus on their tasks.

4. Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activity has been shown to benefit children with ADHD by improving focus, reducing impulsivity, and promoting overall well-being. Incorporate movement breaks throughout the day, such as stretching, yoga, or short walks, and provide opportunities for students to participate in physical activities during recess or extracurricular programs. Teachers can also integrate kinesthetic learning activities into lessons, allowing students with ADHD to engage with the material in a more hands-on and active manner.

5. Promote Social Interactions

Students with ADHD may struggle with social skills, which can impact their ability to form meaningful connections with their peers. Teachers can facilitate positive social interactions by promoting group work, providing guidance on appropriate behaviors, and encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities that foster teamwork and communication. Additionally, role-playing and social skills training can be beneficial for students with ADHD to better understand and navigate various social situations.

6. Be Patient and Understanding

Patience and understanding are essential when working with students with ADHD. Recognize that they may need additional time or support to complete tasks, and be willing to offer encouragement and positive reinforcement. By creating a supportive environment, teachers can help students with ADHD build self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. Remember that each child is unique, and finding the best strategies for their success may require some trial and error.

Tips for Parents of Kids with ADHD

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children with ADHD, both at home and in the classroom. By maintaining open communication with teachers, being actively involved in their child’s education, and providing a structured environment at home, parents can help their child with ADHD overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. This section offers tips and guidance for parents of children with ADHD to help them succeed academically and socially.

1. Communicate with the School

Open communication between parents and educators is crucial for supporting a child with ADHD. Share information about your child’s needs, strengths, and challenges to help teachers develop effective strategies for success in the classroom. Regularly communicate with your child’s teachers and school staff to ensure that accommodations and strategies are being implemented consistently and effectively.

2. Be Involved in Your Child’s Education

Stay actively involved in your child’s education by attending parent-teacher conferences, participating in school events, and regularly checking in with teachers. Your support and engagement can make a significant difference in your child’s academic and social success. In addition, provide encouragement and praise for your child’s achievements and efforts, helping to build their self-esteem and confidence.

3. Help Them at Home

Establish routines and provide a structured environment at home to reinforce the strategies used in the classroom. Assist with homework, encourage organization, and offer praise and rewards for positive behavior. Set up a designated workspace for your child that is free from distractions, and establish a consistent homework schedule to help them stay on track.

helping kids with adhd

4. Seek Professional Help

It is normal to be concerned about your kid’s development. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, you can seek professional help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or pediatrician experienced in ADHD. These clinicians and professionals can provide guidance on what appropriate interventions are, if you should use medications, as well as the support services that are available to help your child. Additionally, they can help you develop strategies and coping mechanisms for managing ADHD-related challenges at home and in the classroom.

Resources for Parents and Teachers

There is a wealth of information and resources available to help parents and teachers support children with ADHD. We have a blog on ADHD that delves into the nitty gritty. However, there are many other resources that parents and caregivers as well as teachers can benefit from.

These resources provide valuable insights, strategies, and tools that can enhance the learning experience for children with ADHD and promote their academic and social success. When selecting a resource, it is important to make sure these are reputable and they are science-based. In this section, we highlight several credible sources that offer helpful resources for parents and teachers of children with ADHD.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Offers information on ADHD, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and resources for parents and educators.

  • The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Provides detailed information on ADHD, including research updates, treatment options, and educational resources.

  • and

Both universities provide research-based information on ADHD, as well as resources for educators and parents. These resources offer valuable insights into the latest ADHD research findings, potential interventions, and classroom strategies that can support students with ADHD.

  • Healthline

Offers articles and resources on ADHD, including tips for managing symptoms and strategies for success in the classroom. They also provide guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle for children with ADHD, which can contribute to improved focus and overall well-being.

In conclusion, understanding ADHD and implementing effective strategies in the classroom can significantly impact a child’s academic and social success. By working collaboratively, parents and educators can support children with ADHD in reaching their full potential. By utilizing the strategies and resources discussed in this article, we can help create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

how to help a child focus in the classroom

  • What is ADHD?

    ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children and often continues into adulthood. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that can impact a child’s academic, social, and emotional development.

  • How does ADHD affect a child’s learning in the classroom?

    Children with ADHD may struggle with maintaining focus, following instructions, completing tasks, and managing their impulsivity and hyperactivity. These challenges can make it difficult for them to succeed academically and socially in the classroom.

  • How can teachers help students with ADHD in the classroom?

    Teachers can support students with ADHD by establishing routines, maintaining consistency, helping them stay organized, encouraging physical activity, promoting positive social interactions, and being patient and understanding. They should also provide appropriate accommodations, such as preferential seating or extra time on assignments.

  • How can parents help their child with ADHD succeed in school?

    Parents can help their child with ADHD by communicating with the school, being involved in their child’s education, establishing routines and structure at home, and seeking professional help if needed.

  • What resources are available for parents and teachers of children with ADHD?

    Some credible resources include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Healthline, research-based information from universities like Harvard and Stanford, ADDitude Magazine, and CHADD. These resources provide information on ADHD, treatment options, and strategies for supporting children in the classroom.

  • Are there any specific classroom tools that can help students with ADHD stay organized?

    Yes, tools like color-coded folders, visual schedules, and checklists can help students with ADHD stay organized, manage their time, and stay on track with assignments.

  • How does physical activity benefit children with ADHD?

    Physical activity has been shown to improve focus, reduce impulsivity, and promote overall well-being in children with ADHD. Incorporating movement breaks and providing opportunities for physical activities during the school day can help support their learning and development.


This article is examined by Clinical Child Psychologist and Ph. D. Researcher Kevser Çakmak, and produced by Otsimo Editorial Team.

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