How to Use Otsimo Speech Therapy for Speech Sound Disorder?

Children with speech sound disorder have difficulty forming speech sounds — articulating individual sounds, being understood, modulating speech — and they may stutter or lisp. We have heard that parents and therapists have great results using Otsimo Speech Therapy with children that have speech sound disorder or SSD. In this article, we will give you practical advice on how to use Otsimo Speech Therapy with your child.

What is Speech Sound Disorder (SSD)?

As young children learn language skills, it’s normal for them to have some difficulty saying some words correctly. That’s part of the learning process. Their speech skills develop over time. They master certain sounds and words at different ages. Most children master all the sounds of their native language by age 8.

But some children have speech sound disorders. This means they have trouble saying certain sounds and words past the expected age. This can make it hard to understand what a child is trying to say. Speech sound disorders include articulation disorder and phonological process disorder. Articulation disorder refers to having difficulty making certain sounds, such as “sh.” Phonological process disorder, on the other hand, is a pattern of sound mistakes, such as not pronouncing certain letters.

How to Use Otsimo Speech Therapy in Speech Sound Disorder?

If a child is diagnosed with speech sound disorder, speech therapy is usually helpful. In speech therapy, children learn how to create and differentiate between certain sounds. Certain milder forms of the disorder are known to disappear spontaneously. Our app is a form of speech therapy. Remember, early recognition and diagnosis of speech sound disorders can help children overcome speech problems. They can learn how to communicate well and comfortably.

We recommend you use Otsimo Speech Therapy every day for 5 to 15 minutes or a minimum of 3 times a week. While practicing on Otsimo Speech Therapy, make sure that your child is calm and in a familiar environment with as little distraction as possible. As a parent, you play a crucial role. Truly be there with your child and for your child, help them hold the device if needed, and comment on their progress as often as possible.

Start with 5 to 10 words with simple structures and sounds that your child has already mastered. Let them choose the theme but point them to simpler words.

First, watch the kid on the screen do it, then you do it, and only then let your child repeat the action/activity. Take your time, show them how the camera of the device works like a mirror, and then enjoy as you and your child become what you have been practicing with our role-playing filters. Ask questions if you feel your child is ready.

Remember: the more regularly your child practices, the better progress they will show. However, this doesn’t mean you should pressure your child into repeating the words in the app. Especially in the early stages, forcing your child to practice (or repeat the activities outside the app) may slow down their progress or make them shy away. Just incorporate your Otsimo session into your daily routine and try to make it enjoyable.

Keep your Otsimo Speech Therapy sessions short but purposeful. For your child to progress reliably, you need to be patient. High expectations may put pressure on your child, so make their Otsimo experience fun and rewarding. Acknowledge your child’s efforts often; even when they are not succeeding but is visibly trying, praise their effort. We would love to hear about your experience and answer any questions you may have.

You can also check out the article on how to make specific sounds and practice them using Otsimo Speech Therapy.


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This post does not provide medical advice. See Additional Information.
