What Are AAC Apps and How Do They Help People With Autism?

What Are AAC Apps and How Do They Help People With Autism?

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) apps are tools designed to assist individuals with communication difficulties, including those on the autism spectrum. These apps facilitate communication by using symbols, images, and text-to-speech functionality. This article will explore the benefits of AAC apps for individuals with autism, the features to look for in an AAC app, customization options, and how caregivers and educators can support communication using these tools.

How can AAC apps benefit individuals with autism?

AAC, meaning augmentative and alternative communication, apps can benefit individuals with autism in several ways, including:

Improved Communication

One of the benefits of AAC apps is that it can help individuals on the autism spectrum communicate more effectively as these apps provide the means of expression that can potentially be easier for them compared to spoken language. Individuals with autism use symbols and images as well as the text-to-speech functionality of the app to convey exactly what they are thinking or what they want and need. AAC devices allow for an accurate and efficient way of communication. Thanks to this, the individuals may avoid being frustrated and have improved social interactions and relationships.

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Increased Independence

AAC apps can also increase the independence of individuals with autism by allowing them to become more self-reliant in communicating their needs and preferences. Rather than relying on others to interpret their communication attempts, individuals with autism can use AAC apps to convey their messages directly. This can foster a greater sense of autonomy and self-confidence, leading to increased participation in activities and a more positive self-image.

Enhanced Social Skills

By facilitating communication, AAC apps can help individuals with autism to develop and improve their social skills. Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining relationships, and AAC apps can provide a valuable tool for individuals with autism to connect with others. By using AAC apps, individuals with autism can engage in more meaningful social interactions, leading to enhanced social skills and a greater sense of belonging.

What features should I look for in an AAC app?

When selecting an AAC app, consider the following features:


Choose an app that allows for customization to accommodate the unique communication needs and preferences of the individual using it. Customization options may include the ability to add personal images, create custom vocabulary, or adjust settings such as speech output and voice options.

Ease of Use

An AAC app should be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and minimal technical difficulties. Look for apps that are easy to navigate and use, with clear instructions and minimal setup time.

Variety of Symbols and Images

Opt for an app that offers a diverse selection of symbols and images to ensure that the user can effectively express themselves. Look for apps that offer a wide range of symbols and images, including those that are relevant to the user’s daily life and interests.

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How can I customize AAC apps for my unique needs?

To tailor an AAC app to the user’s specific needs, consider:

Adjusting Settings

It is important that the app fits the needs of the individual who is going to use it. Luckily, some AAC apps allow for customization. This means that you can modify the speech output by selecting a voice, adjust the distance between buttons, add or remove borders and so much more. Adjusting the settings can help to optimize the user’s experience and improve their ability to communicate effectively.

Creating Custom Vocabulary

Custom and personalized vocabulary is also important when it comes to a personal use of AAC. One person can use “help” words a lot while another one uses “location” words. Having them arranged in a way that is easily accessible, and adding your own vocabulary and phrases the user uses a lot will reflect the individual’s daily life and interests better. By incorporating words and phrases that are meaningful to the user, the AAC app can become a more effective communication tool.

Incorporating Personal Images

In addition to uploading and adding your own vocabulary and phrases, adding personal images like those of your family members and friends will also make your AAC app really helpful. If you want to make the app customized and personal as well as more meaningful when it comes to communication, the user should be able to access these personal additions. Incorporating personal images can help the user to feel more connected to the app and increase their motivation to use it.

Can AAC apps help with language development for non-verbal individuals?

Yes, AAC apps can play a significant role in language development for non-verbal individuals with autism:

Language Modeling

Caregivers and educators can use AAC apps to model language, demonstrating how to construct sentences and use appropriate grammar. By using the AAC app to model language, individuals with autism can learn how to communicate more effectively and develop their language skills.

Visual Supports

AAC apps provide visual supports that can help individuals with autism to understand and retain information more effectively. The visual nature of AAC apps can make it easier for non-verbal individuals to comprehend language and to associate images with words, phrases, and concepts. This can enhance language development and improve communication skills.

Prompting and Reinforcement

AAC apps can be used to prompt and reinforce language use, encouraging non-verbal individuals to practice and develop their communication skills. Caregivers and educators can use the AAC app to prompt the user to use language in different contexts and to reinforce language use with positive feedback and reinforcement. This can encourage the development of new language skills and help the user to become more comfortable with using language to communicate.

What are some common misconceptions about AAC apps?

There are several misconceptions surrounding AAC apps, including:

AAC Apps Inhibit Speech Development

Some people mistakenly believe that using AAC apps will prevent individuals with autism from developing speech. However, research has shown that AAC use can actually encourage speech development in many cases. By providing a means of communication that is easier and less frustrating than traditional spoken language, AAC apps can help individuals with autism to build confidence and develop their language skills.

AAC Apps are Only for Non-Verbal Individuals

While AAC apps can be particularly beneficial for non-verbal individuals, they can also be helpful for individuals with limited verbal abilities or those who struggle with expressive language. AAC apps can provide an alternative means of communication that can supplement traditional spoken language and enhance communication skills.

All AAC Apps are the Same

Not all AAC apps are created equal. Different apps offer varying features, levels of customization , and ease of use. It is essential to find an app that best suits the user’s specific needs and preferences. Caregivers and educators should research different AAC apps and consider the features that are most important for the user.

How can caregivers and educators use AAC apps to support communication?

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Caregivers and educators can support communication using AAC apps by:

Modeling Communication

Using the AAC app to model language and communication, demonstrating how to construct sentences and use appropriate grammar. By modeling effective communication strategies, caregivers and educators can help individuals with autism to improve their communication skills and develop their language abilities.

Collaborative Customization

Working with the user to customize the app, ensuring that it is tailored to their unique needs and preferences. By involving the user in the customization process, caregivers and educators can ensure that the app is effective and engaging for the user, leading to improved communication outcomes.

Encouraging Use in Various Settings

Promoting the use of AAC apps in different environments, such as at home, school, or during social outings, to help the user generalize their communication skills across settings. By encouraging the use of AAC apps in different contexts, caregivers and educators can help individuals with autism to become more comfortable with using the app and to apply their communication skills in real-world situations.


If they are used when needed, AAC apps can be powerful tools for individuals with autism. They provide an improved communication opportunity to those who don’t use spoken language. This, in turn, helps individuals become more independent and have enhanced social skills. By selecting an app with the right features and customizing it to suit the user’s unique needs, caregivers and educators can significantly support the communication development of individuals with autism. With the right support and resources, individuals with autism can develop their communication skills and improve their ability to interact with others, leading to a more fulfilling and independent life.


This article is examined by Clinical Child Psychologist and Ph. D. Researcher Kevser Çakmak, and produced by Otsimo Editorial Team.

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