July 26, 2023

What is Asperger Syndrome?

Asperger syndrome is a problem that starts in childhood and makes social interaction difficult. The most important symptoms of asperger syndrome are being excessively introverted, having communication problems and lack of skills. Its general characteristics are similar to other spectrum disorders. Just like signs of autism, causes of aspergers syndrome are not known precisely and it affects patients in their lifetime.

Asperger syndrome is defined by Dr. Hans Asperger and is different from autism spectrum disorders. Unlike autism, there is no developmental delays in language development and speaking skills. Unlike other autism spectrum disorders, symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome usually manifest itself in older children.

Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome

Asperger disorder is usually diagnosed between ages 4 and 11 and typical characteristics of Asperger are social interaction disorder, repetitive behaviors, lack of cognitive development and being excessively introverted. Children are observed in different settings and their learning style, fine motor skill development, strengths and weaknesses and independent living skills are examined. It is difficult to make diagnosis of aspergers in adults. Early diagnosis is very important in Asperger syndrome as it is in autism.

Asperger Syndrome Signs and Symptoms

Asperger syndrome influences children, adolescents and adults with lifelong effects. Children with Asperger disorder who like routine, have difficulty with social skills and start speaking at age 2. This is another feature that makes it different from autism.Typical characteristics of asperger seen in children who differentiate from their peers are following symptoms:

  • Although they can talk, they have difficulty in starting and maintaining conversation.
  • They like routine, they do not like changes.
  • They are excessively introverted.
  • They exhibit repetitive behavior issues, speak uniformly and don’t have much facial expressions.
  • They do not understand the changing voice tone of the person who talks, they can not perceive jokes.
  • They speak formally and their eye contact is weak.
  • They can be overly concerned with details in one or two issues. (similar to anxiety disorder)
  • They speak extensively about what they like, they engage in one-sided talking.
  • Learning fine motor skills occurs later than their peers.

Observing one of these following symptoms of asperger syndrome does not necessarily mean that the child has Asperger’s syndrome. In order for Asperger syndrome to be diagnosed correctly, several of these  signs and symptoms must be observed in the child. Very serious problems must be seen in social interactions and facial expressions as well.

asperger syndrome symptoms

The Difference of Asperger Syndrome from Autism Spectrum

Children with Aspergers syndrome go through a similar infancy as other babies in terms of health while autism develops in the first 3 years of life. People with asperger don’t have speech retardation as symptoms of asperger like in autism spectrum. It is also different from autism in terms of cognitive and language development. Relative to the autistic children, people with asperger are talkative and they are even overly talkative in their areas of interest. People associated with asperger know that they are not in accord with society, while the autistic children are not aware of this.

Treatment Of Asperger Disorder

Although Asperger’s syndrome is life-long, appropriate and effective treatments greatly reduce its signs and symptoms. Skills training aimed at increasing the interaction of the child with other children help them to take an active role in the society by making them self sustaining. Treatment for Asperger syndrome consists of improving social skills, communication and behavior management. In parallel with the development of the teen with aspergers, a continuously adjusted education program and health solutions should be maintained at home as well as at school.


  • Signs of Asperger - Otsimo:

  • American Psychiatric Associations

This article is examined by Clinical Child Psychologist and Ph. D. Researcher Kevser Çakmak, and produced by Otsimo Editorial Team.

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